导演: Mortal1289
主演: 内详
剧情: 这是一个来自15世纪意大利佛罗伦萨的家族。美第齐家族通过各种方式在欧洲崛起。通过自身的魅力、技巧、欺诈,他们搜刮了大量的财富并拥有了前所未有的权利。是他们点燃了西方世界最重要的文化和艺术的革命——欧洲文艺复兴。 但是由美第齐家族促成的这种变化终有一天会颠覆以他们的规则所统治的世界。
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导演: Mortal1289
主演: 蒂龙·本斯金
剧情: In the year 480 B.C., the Greeks and the Persians fight one of the most famous battles in history at a place called Thermopylae. Here, the mighty Persian war machine, which has conquered most of the known world, will attempt an expansion into Europe. The only thing standing in their way will be an army led by 300 Spartans, the greatest soldiers the world has ever known. They will fight to the very last man, and in doing so will protect the cradle of democracy during its infancy, and the battle will go down in history as the greatest military stand of all time. Written by Zach