导演: 章泯
主演: 冯喆 李露玲 史久峰 王辛 何平 箫桥 戴耘 何为 郑敏 蓝谷 钱千里 蒋锐 邓楠 汪明 黄若梅 王绍光 王绍家
剧情: 讲述了全国解放前夕,在江南的一个小村庄里,从前在地主李春堂家当丫环的春梅来找李春堂,她的丈夫几年前被抓了壮丁,音讯全无,现在乡公所又抓了她的小叔子,她不得已来求李春堂到乡所说说情。李春堂不仅不帮忙,还大发雷霆,把她赶出来。这是消息传来,春梅的丈夫被抓壮丁后投奔了新四军,现在是解放军的团长。于是,正在他们争吵不休的时候,解放军进村了。地主恶霸慌作一团,而春梅和乡亲们高高兴兴地去迎接解放军。
正片 -
导演: 袁俊
主演: 金焰 白杨 耿震 路珊 张雁 束夷 金刚 秦龙 黎频 周文彬 林榛 顾梦鹤 周伯勋 方伯 周峰 莫愁 戴耘
剧情: Barbara is a very rich girl who falls in love with Norman Phiffier, a poor young man. She doesn't tell him who she really is and prepares to marry him. But, Mrs. Tuttle (Barbara's mother) doesn't want her daughter to mary such a poor man. So, she hires Norman at one of her big stores, and gives him the most difficult and disgusting works. She hopes that seeing Norman humiliated, Barbara will finally leave him. But things don't work exactly this way...